Holly's body of work includes experimental writing about race relations, diversity and inclusion, social justice, and the process of reimagining current and historic narratives into a new contemporary version of history. She uses language, and the absence of language, to retell controversial narratives to prompt conversation and change. Her work not only aims to reimagine the narrative, but also invites her viewer to do the same.
Art Installation at Full Sail University
"Changing the Narrative: Hands United for Pride Community Art Scroll"
The "Hands United for Pride Community Art Scroll" aims to change the narrative of discrimination for the LGBTQ community by bringing together the diverse Full Sail community to stand together in support of Pride.
"Art piece reimagines America's complex history with interracial relationships"
"In Jefferies’ own words, it is meant to be “an exercise in reimagining the narrative through what they see—and what they do not see [in the poetry and erasures]—along with their own experience with race and interracial relations.”"
By Maura Leaden, Sandspur
February 13, 2019
The Sandspur
Since 1993
"When you see me, who do you see?
Do you see a white woman, a human, or perhaps, other?
What if I told you that I am a white woman, and I am married to a black man.
Who do you see now?"
The creative work of Reimagining the Narrative retells new perspectives about race through my own lens; about thirty years of experiencing both white privilege and racial discrimination, depending on whether I stand alone or with my husband. These multiple perspectives offer windows into seeing how we might learn to view race relations as a human race with the purpose of reconciliation between races. Through my body of work, I suggest how the narratives about race might be seen and told through a contemporary lens to accomplish this. To offer such insight, I break from traditional one-sided storytelling, and I reimagine the narrative."
–Holly Jefferies, Reimaginging the Narrative: A Contemporary Creative Collection of Interracial Perspective, Critical Essay